S1 Retro Lifer E-Bike Helmet

S1 Retro Lifer E-Bike Helmet

This helmet has an added layer of Fusion foam and offers more protection than a regular S1 Lifer or S1 Retro Lifer Helmet. The added layer of foam helps diffuse more impact energy and helps it pass the stricter impact standards of the NTA 8776 Dutch E-Ride Helmet Certification (rated for speeds up to 28 mph) .

The S1 Retro Lifer E-Bike Helmet is more protection than a bike helmet and less protection than a motorcycle helmet.

A cool feature of this helmet is that it fits hed sizes ranging from 20.5" - 23.5", all you have to do is switch out the color coded sizing liners to get a snugger or looser fit.

s1 e-bike helmet (direct link here to all the color options)