Very slick looking in person, pleased with style and fit right out of the box! Construction seems solid.

I really didn't want a helmet. But after some close calls and seeing others with permanent brain damage from slams, I knew it was time. I got the Pro-Tec full cut and the Retro Lifer, and hands down the Retro Lifer was the better choice. The range of padding gives a perfect fit and this thing looks way better in real life. Really! It looks cool, it's more interesting than the rolled beanies everyone wears, and it sets a good example for the kids I skate around. I also feel way more comfortable going for bigger tricks and slamming – I've already hit my head and laughed it off. Couldn't be more stoked; don't hesitate on this one.

Posted By: Fat Chris
These are the best knee pads ever, period! I've tried em all and these are the best made, fitting, and performing knee pad I've ever worn. I've been skating for over 30 years and have always had issues with pads slipping down. These didn't move once in a three hour session on a 13' ramp. And I bail a lot!. Lower profile than the 187s . And a sturdier construction and beafier material. Good stuff!

Posted By: GRRRRRanny
The new terry cloth version of the sizing liners for the S1 Lifer helmets are great. They absorb like a sweat band and can be removed for washing. A definite improvement over the original foam liners. I ordered the same size as my original liners and the fit it perfect. . . just make sure you distinguish the front from the back, lol!

Posted By: Kai Epperson
The fullface has a huge field of view in tuck, the visor is really easy to tighten or loosen and glides real smooth!
I bought the same size I bought for my half shell and switched out the cheek pads for that perfect snug fit, BUY ONE!!!

I skate with the Demonseed crew in Merritt Island , Florida and Adam Effertz turned me on to the S1 lifer helmet. Can't believe I wore such inferior helmets till now. I'm also involved with the Florida Vert Series and appreciate the backing of S1 and have witnessed first hand the stoke of the kids who have won a helmet. You guys rock and I back your product 100%.

Posted By: JF
This is the second helmet that I am getting.
The first one just saved my life when I took a major hit on the head longboarding.

Posted By: Rachel Albrecht
I bought this to replace my first helmet, which was also an S1. I had a bad crash while trail skating and hit my head hard. If it wasn't for the helmet I could have had something more serious than a concussion. I will never buy any other brand of helmet.

Posted By: Hammer
I had this helmet for 2 days, wore it to my bout, took a wicked hit in the chest and broke my fall with the back of my head. Thanks to my S1, I was spared a concussion. Thank you!!

Posted By: Jason Gainous
I took a fall in 13 foot bowl straight to flatbottom, and right on my head wearing an S1 Lifer. I hit so hard that it cracked the helmet but I was fine. I stayed conscious and no signs of concussion. This would not have been true with other non high-impact resistant helmets on the market. Great product!

Took a nasty fall on to our rope track boundary a few weeks ago. Thought I would end up with a bad concussion, but was fortunate enough to end up with none. Glad I was wearing my lifer and mouth guard. Don't skate without your gear on.

Posted By: Pamela
This is one if the coolest tank designs I've sported in a while. The material is light on your son, but still thick enough to not feel like it's cheaply made. The design is also perfect. Spaceballs and this S1 design mesh perfectly. I'm a fan of black tanks and tees and this fits nicely in my collection. I'll definitely be getting what I paid and more back. Now I need more tees and tanks!

Posted By: Tricky Pixie
S1 helmets have style, and are really comfortable. It came with extra pads to help with fitting, and you can buy new pads if your old ones get stinky to help keep a clean and awesome helmet! Best on the market. I use it for roller derby.

I've been skateboarding 34 years and used many different kinds of helmets. The S1 lifer is definitely the best of the bunch. 1st impression for a new user is the remarkable difference in weight compared to their old helmet. Not long after, the exceptional fit will bubble to the top, hopefully a long time after or never will the superior melon protection come to play. The concept of the "crush zone" for traumatic impact is not a new one, but S1 has pioneered the application to action sports. I actively promote their product because the people I ride with are my friends and I want to ride with them as long as possible. Thanks!

The S1 Lifer Helmet fits like a glove and looks great in Dark Green Matte! The helmet has a nice low profile and comes with additional liners to get the perfect snug fit. I would highly recommend this helmet.