Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 E-Bikes (What is the difference)

What are the 3 Classes of E-Bikes and what is the difference between a Class 1, 2 and 3 E-Bike?

Class 1 - no throttle and go up to 20 mph

Class 2 - have a throttle and go up to 20 mph

Class 3 - have a throttle and go up to to 28 mph  (must be 17 years of age or older in most States) 

Note some E-Bikes like the Super 73 zx is a Class 2 e-bike but you can change the app to make it go 28 mph. It is up to you. 

Your safest helmet for Class 3 e-Bikes is an NTA 8776 Certified helmet like the S1 Retro Lifer E-Bike Helmet.