History of the S1 Lifer Helmet

The S1 Lifer Helmet is the safest and best fitting helmet for riding your skateboard, bike, scooter and roller skates.
S1 Lifer Manifesto - Full Length - Open Captions from s-one helmet co / s1helmets on Vimeo.
In 2010 we took soft foam helmets from every brand including S1 into the testing lab and discovered every single one of them failed current helmet safety standards.
This is a soft foam helmet. It has a hard plastic outer shell and soft foam inserts. The problem with soft foam helmets is that impact energy travels directly through these helmets and rattles the brain. Soft foam helmets do not pass high impact or multiple impact certification tests.
After learning this information we set out to make a better, safer helmet - what we created was the S1 Lifer Helmet.
The Lifer Helmet fits low on the head like a soft foam helmet but instead of soft foam inserts we created an inner shell of impact dispersing foam called FuS1on Foam. Fus1on Foam is our patented blend of impact foam that is soft enough to reduce impact energy in low force multiple impacts and dense enough to reduce energy in high impacts. We make Fusion foam by blending low, medium and high density beads together to make our impact reducing inner foam mold. The inner foam mold is what does all the impact dispertion in the S1 Lifer Helmet and it is protected by ABS outer plastic shell. FuS1on foam dispersed energy more effectively than soft foam. We batch test every production run of helmets to ensure the quality and consistency of every S1 Lifer Helmet made.
Lab tests show that the S1 Lifer Helmet is 5x more protective than soft foam skate helmets. The S1 Lifer passes the Multiple Impact (ASTM) and the High Impact (CPSC) certification tests. The S1 Lifer Helmet is a helmet we can 100% recommend to team riders, family and friends. Get a Lifer - Be a Lifer.