S1 Retailer: Pedal Action BMX (Colorado Springs, Co)

Shop Profile: Pedal Action BMX
What year did the shop open? We opened in 2013.
Why did you open the shop? We opened the shop because of our love of BMX. We've been riding since the 80's.
Who are your top 3 BMX riders of all time? Kevin Jones, Paul Osicka and Duncan Gore.
Pedal Action carries Bikes, Skateboards and Scooters. What is most popular right now BMX, Skate and Scoot? For us BMX. We just recently started carrying skate and scoot.
Have you ever thought about carrying roller skates? We have !
When / why did you start stocking S1? We started carrying S1 maybe 6 or 7 years ago because of the quality and involvement of the brand.
What is your favorite helmet color that S1 offers? Lagoon Gloss.
Is there any message you would like to tell the world? We are here to support the BMX, Skate and Scoot community.
Big thanks to Pedal Action for stocking S1 Helmets over the years! check em out online www.pedalactionbmx.com or in person
Pedal Action BMX Address: 216 N. Union Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909