Skate Shop Profile: Urban Ave Boardshop

Interview with Christiano Goulart, owner of Urban Ave Boardshop.
When did you open Urban Ave Boardshop? August 2017
Why did you open the shop? A passion for skateboarding.
What do you love about running a skateshop? Connecting with the younger generation and help people find the right product for their needs.
What is your background in skating? I started skating when I was 10 years old in 1986 back in Brazil. Always vert and transition.
What are some things you enjoy when your not skating or running the shop? Spending time with my family and I also like to surf and snowboard.
Why do you carry S1 Lifer Helmets at your shop? A lot of my good skater friends wear S1 Helmets such as Evandro Mancha, Peter Hewitt, Darren Navarrette, Austin Poynter, Greg Witt, Christian Hosoi, Alex Perelson and few others, so I decided to try.
Do you have a funny or random story from the shop? Well, there are so many, one funny one is we used to block the front door with boxes so the person who was opening the shop had to run between boxes to deactivate the alarm.
Urban Ave Boardshop
629 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd San Marcos, CA 92078
Chris Goulart and Evandro Mancha / Urban Ave Boardshop