"S1 Helmet and Pads are my absolute favorite. When I am skating, I want to feel confident that iI can move my body the way it needs to move and also feel safe. With S1 pads I feel secure with the k…
Cover: (headshots) Lance Mountain, Christian Hosoi, Eric Dressen, Darren Navarrette, Heimana Reynolds are on the cover of the new S1 Helmet Catalog.Lonny Hiramoto (Lifelong skater and Skate…
S1’s Puerto Rico Party RunA whole squad of close friends take a downhill ride together on an extremely fun hill in Puerto Rico. All in S1 Lifer Helmets.Skaters: David Bubier, @clarkpatrick, @chicken.t…
Arisa wears the S1 Lifer Helmet, S1 Elbow Pads and S1 Pro Knee Pads Gen 4.514 year old , Arisa Trew, wins Gold Medal in the Women's Park / Skateboarding."I love the fit and feel of the S1 Lifer Helmet…
It has been amazing to watch Arisa progress so quickly. She absolutely loves the fit and the comfort (and the protection) of the S1 Lifer Helmet. Arisa started wearing the S1 Pro Knee Pads about…