Jordyn Barratt talking about S1 Pro Knee Pads

"The S1 Pro Knee Pads Gen 4.5 are my absolute favorite. When I am skating with the pads, I can move my body the way it needs to move and also feel safe. When I'm learning new tricks and feeling scared, I know I can rely on my pads to keep me as safe as possible. I feel secure and the knee pads are extremely comfy and flexible. I love the them because they aren’t too big and bulky where they get in my way - they are slim but also extremely protective. I have never experienced any knee pain with these pads and I definitely test their ability with skating and landing on them for hours on end 6 days a week. So stoked on them! " - Jordyn Barratt (Pro Skater / US Skateboarding Olympic Team)
S1 Pro Knee Pads Gen 4.5
Great Flex + Streamlined Design + Comfy + Max Protection
Who else wears the S1 Pro Knee Pads in skate? Darren Navarrette, Peter Hewitt, Arisa Trew, Tate Carew, Lonny Hiramoto, Bennett Harada and many more ... Those who know .. know !