"S1 Helmet and Pads are my absolute favorite. When I am skating, I want to feel confident that iI can move my body the way it needs to move and also feel safe. With S1 pads I feel secure with the k…
It has been amazing to watch Arisa progress so quickly. She absolutely loves the fit and the comfort (and the protection) of the S1 Lifer Helmet. Arisa started wearing the S1 Pro Knee Pads about…
"The S1 Pro Knee Pads Gen 4.5 are my absolute favorite. When I am skating with the pads, I can move my body the way it needs to move and also feel safe. When I'm learning new tricks and feeling…
Roller Skating - Vert Ramp Champs NZThis event was inspired by the First Roller Skate Jam hosted by
CIBAuckland crew in 2020. This event inspired us down at CIBbayofplenty to
create another, bigger…